What Habit’s You Should Completely Quit For a Better Excercise

Raza Zareef
4 min readNov 4, 2020

In this modern age of the world, Everyone is busy making money but the main important thing is health. A healthy life leads to a successful life if you didn’t maintain your health then you can’t live a happy and better life. For good health, you have to use proper protein and hygienic food and daily exercise.

For good exercise, you have to quit completely some bad habit’s, because if you don’t then you can’t have good exercise as well as health. We are going to discuss what habits you should quit for good exercise.

  1. Quit Alcohol and Drugs.

The main part to discuss is that if you want a better life and good health you have to completely avoid and quit alcohol and drugs. Because they are dangerous for your health and they will destroy your life. Alcohol and drugs will affect your liver, heart, and your mind and you will feel yourself like a slave of drugs. Once you get addicted to it, your life will become pitiful and miserable.

Alcohol and drugs are stamina killers they will make you weak and lazy, you can’t do proper exercise. They will make you feel quite to quit the exercise. Your main goal is to quit alcohol and drugs and start exercise for good health.

2. Quit Late Sleeping.

Late sleeping is one of the biggest problems for the modern generation. It has a lot of disadvantages, sleeping late will affect your daily routine very badly. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems. There are so many problems and diseases that sleep deprivation leads to:

For example, Heart attack, Irregular heartbeat, stroke, Insomnia, and depression, make you forget things, make you gain weight.

So if you are sleeping late then you can’t do exercise, because your body and mind won’t allow you to have exercise. Your body will be lazy with sleep deprivation and your mind will be dizzy.

3. Eating Fast Food.

No doubt fast food is delicious and yummy. Eating more fast food in daily life will give you more fats and weight. If you are doing daily exercise and eating fast food once a week so it's normal and it doesn't have any disadvantages because you can easily burn the calories, but if you are eating daily fast food and doing exercise then you are just wasting your time. You won’t have any single benefit of exercise because you are gaining more fats from fast food and burning fewer calories from exercise. By doing this you are just wasting your precious time and money. You have to quit fast food for daily routine if you want good results from exercise, and you cant eat once in a week only.

4. Diet Plan.

A diet plan is very important for good exercise, So you should have to quit oily foods, beverages, and drinks that can cause the fat in your body. As I'm also an athlete so I can tell you the best diet plan. That’s a normal diet plan:

  • In the morning, peanut butter sandwiches and fried eggs made in olive oil will be perfect because they have protein with 0 fats.
  • At 11 O’clock if you feel hungry you can eat some dry fruits and drink a sports drink and diluted drinks.
  • At Lunch, you have to eat salad because salad is a natural source of high fiber that helps you to build strong bones and improve your muscle performance.
  • At dinner, you cant eat boiled eggs and grilled lean meat, and a glass of pure milk.


We come to this conclusion that if you really want and giving your time and dedication to exercise, so you have to quit these bad habits. Once you quit them and start exercise then you will be fit and quick. Your life will be amazing, happy, and healthier.

